You know what doesn't make me mad?
Another installment of Superman guiding us through the New 52, that's what!
And since we just happen to have a picture of Superman duking it out with OMAC up top, we might as well talk about O.M.A.C. #1 by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen.
When I first heard they were bringing this title back, my first thought was "Really? With DiDio writing?" Then I saw that Keith Giffen was on pencils and plots and all is right with the world. After reading this issue, I'm glad to say that not only is everything right with the world, it's even better!
This issue scratched the Kirby itch in a big way, that not even Morrison was able to do during his Final Crisis saga. It's an unapologetic homage to the mad-cap craziness that was Kirby at DC during the early 70's. The fact that they were able to work a "Build-A-Friend" into the first issue was just the icing on the cake. For those of you unaware, that's one of those flying bathtub ladies from the cover of the original OMAC #1.
As much fun as the story was, it wouldn't have been half as entertaining without the fantastic pencils of Keith Giffen. I've been a fan of his style for a long time, but I haven't had this much fun with the energy and dynamism (is that a word?) of his stuff since his early Defenders.

All in all, if DC can manage to make the rest of their fringe and bottom-tier titles half as entertaining as this one, they just might be on to something with this whole reboot thing.
Script by Len Wein
Pencils by George Perez
Inks by Pablo Marcos
Colors by Gene D'Angelo
Letters by John Costanza
DC Comics Presents #61
The Once And Future War!
September 1983
Copyright (c) DC Comics
Story by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen
Pencils by Keith Giffen
Inks by Scott Koblish
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Travis Lanham
O.M.A.C. (Vol. 2) #1
Office Management Amidst Chaos
November 2011
Copyright (c) DC Comics
Pencils by George Perez
Inks by Pablo Marcos
Colors by Gene D'Angelo
Letters by John Costanza
DC Comics Presents #61
The Once And Future War!
September 1983
Copyright (c) DC Comics
Story by Dan DiDio and Keith Giffen
Pencils by Keith Giffen
Inks by Scott Koblish
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Travis Lanham
O.M.A.C. (Vol. 2) #1
Office Management Amidst Chaos
November 2011
Copyright (c) DC Comics